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Week 36 |
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Personal Watermelon! |
Total Weight Gain: 12 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Obviously! I am getting pretty over it now... I've purchased a few items in honor of not being pregnant anymore.
Stretch Marks: No
Sleep: It's touch and go. I don't sleep through the night because I am constantly having to switch from my left side to my right side to get comfortable ... and then there's the bathroom visits.
Moment of the Week: The hubs has suddenly developed a nesting instinct (more on that later).
Missing Anything? As of now, I am missing pre-week 34ish. Sosie has ballooned, and while my mother keeps telling me to "enjoy the last month", I just can't seem to understand what that means. How does anyone enjoy the last month of her pregnancy? The discomfort really wasn't all that bad until my tummy grew big enough that I can barely put on socks or tie my shoes anymore. Let's get this show on the road!
Movement: Yes! But we certainly had a paranoid moment this week, if you will (read on).
Cravings: I hate food. Everyone keeps telling me to EAT more. In addition, eating just makes me nauseous and feel REALLY full because my stomach is all squished up and the size of a pea! It's no longer enjoyable.
Aversions: Did I mention food?
Belly Button In or Out?: Out. It's more flush against my belly. Weird...
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On. But I did have one day of swelling, where I couldn't get it off.
Happy or Moody?: Happy, nervous, tired, paranoid, ready...
Looking Forward To: Sosie .... what else?
As I mentioned, the hubs caught a strange case of the nesting instinct last weekend. It was welcomed but caught me off guard. For weeks now I've been saying we need to get rid of stuff and clean out the house to make room because it already feels cramped and constantly messy. On Sunday morning, the hubs woke up with this sudden urge to throw things away! Hurray! We spent all day going through our kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms and garage filling boxes with "Keeps," "Giveaways," and "Yard Sale." It feels a little better inside. I am glad we finally got on the same page and got some stuff done!
is a small baby. However, she has been consistently growing. She's gone from measuring 29 cm at week 32/33, to 33 cm at week 36/37. She was around 4lbs 1oz when we went in for our ultrasound two weeks ago. We've got another U/S to assess her size this Tuesday. It's been a struggle to gain, but the doctor doesn't seem to worried. It's all in my belly, so we believe she is certainly taking everything she needs.
She's been moving like crazy for the last month. I think she does aerobics in there. I am used to feeling her move so often that suddenly she has slowed down quite a bit. I guess she is running out of room. But after not feeling anything for 10-12 hours last night, I got very concerned that she could be in distress. I called the doctor this morning to ask what I should do having not felt any kicks or movement in quite some time and they advised me to go to L&D at the hospital. I threw everything in my car in case something was wrong and off we went! I figured it's better to be safe than sorry.
Just about the time I arrive, she slowly starts moving. And after they hooked me up to the machine ... naturally ... she starts doing aerobics again like normal. The nurse said she seemed to be in perfect health. Pregnancy can be so confusing. There are so many contradictions and things that just aren't textbook that don't always mean something is wrong or right. I'm a very type A person, but I'd like to think I've been pretty mellow about this pregnancy. But these last 3 weeks are going to kill me because so many random things can happen that change or signal labor but aren't really. Oh the anticipation...
Anyway, we are so excited and absolutely blind as to what is about to happen! But here we go! Next time you hear from me here, it's likely that Sosie will have arrived. But thanks for tuning in this week!
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